Katie Hawkins
Calabash, NC
Favorite Book:
Redeeming Love and It’s Not Easy Being Green
Favorite Movie:
The Emperor’s New Groove
Favorite Sport:
I like to play volleyball, but I like to watch baseball and football.
Favorite Team:
South Carolina Gamecocks and the St. Louis Cardinals
Favorite Food:
The ultimate meal for me would be: Chicken alfredo and breadsticks, a glass bottle of Coca-Cola, and a bowl of cookie dough for dessert.
Favorite Place in the World:
Favorite Scripture:
“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 8:39
Life Motto:
Hakuna Matata
Your Hero:
My friend, Toni
One of Your Greatest Experiences with God:
One of my favorite experiences with God happened on a youth trip when I was 16. During one of the services I was baptized in the Holy Spirit (even though at the time I really wasn’t sure what was going on!), and I remember feeling His call on my life. He gave me boldness and showed me the power of His presence. That night literally changed me forever.
Something most People Don’t Know About You:
I love surfing!